Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Swimming Lessons

Summer lesson at an outdoor pool. Is there anything that screams summer more than this?

And if the kids have lessons you can get in before (or after) for half price. That means 3 kids and me for $2, or the whole family for $3. The weather was perfect the whole time and we all swam 6 or 7 of the 10 lessons.
The key was finding a very shallow outdoor pool in our neighbourhood. We had to carry Laine around but the boys could easily stand on their own. That made for a lot more practice and a lot more fun.

Very proud of both these monkeys. Ry passed his level and Koby passed 2 levels! It his floats. He is very floaty.
I swear we feed this kid. Yikes, look at those ribs.

They were so proud of themselves too. It is great to see them getting better and more confident. We swam a ton this summer and I could really see the difference.

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