Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Muffin Tin lunch

Saw this on line at Sycamore Stirrings. Muffin Tin Mondays. A very creative way to present a meal. Since I am not creative with food, I copied it. There was a lot of carbs at breakfast/snack so this is a lot of produce (and cheese). The kids eat way more when I serve it this way.


  1. I love your table.
    Also, what a cool idea.
    Also, do those muffin tins work as muffin tins? I'm totally terrified they'll melt and poison me.

  2. I actually never tried to make muffins in them, funny that. So I don't know, you try and tell me!

  3. I actually JUST read about this in Raising Baby Green last night and thought it was such a fun idea!
