Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Vacation stage 3

Straight from my mom's we went to Birch Bay to a trailer my in laws have there. Nothing beats free accommodations! It was also perfect weather and also pretty laid back and relaxing.
Beach shoes from the shed at the trailer. I know you're jealous.
We went to the beach twice, the pool three times, the coffee shop, biking, frisbee, badminton, the C shop for ice cream. We did it all.
playing Pirate Hide and Seek and Rush Hour Jr
In my mind it was the perfect summer trip and the kids had so much fun. I think they will remember it for a long time. The first thing Lainey Lou said when we got home was "I go swimming?" They are easy to please when it comes down to it!

Fantastic Blog Alert

I just finished writing about the blog Momastery on my other blog, but I felt it deserves a mention here as this is where I talk about being a momma. I just read her post about having 3 kids, and it is exactly what I was saying to my m-i-l last night. Just written better. With more grace and clarity. Whenever I find a new blog I dive into the archives and hunt around and read it all up for a few days. Can't wait to dive into this one!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Harrison - part two

We spent the rest of our time at Grammie's in, on and around the water.

There are two places to swim at the lake. A shallower lagoon that is warmer and has weeds, or the big lake which is cold but clear. The sand is great all around but my Mom highly recommends the cold lake over the lagoon. I have learned it is wise to listen to your Momma, so we swam in the lake. Well, I didn't. They did. My feet almost fell off just standing in it. Brrrr. But the kids don't care, and even Aaron jumped in for a dip.
sandcastle building with Skipper
making sand angles, then messing them up
We also got to take a ride on Skipper's boat across the lake and down the river a bit. What a great time. We went to go look at some petroglyphs (I guess technically they are pictographs- rock paintings) on the rock. They are red, can you see them?
The kids all loved the boat ride, and playing around in the boat. "It's like a motorhome on the water!" I found it very enjoyable and peaceful.

Ry with Gram
two little boys check out the view
she looks squished in this pic but she actually loved it

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Harrison fun - part one

As our trio of mini vacations continued we spent 2 nights at my mom's house.
There was one evening at home with a pool in the backyard and pizza for dinner.
We spent one morning at a local minigolf place. Wow, they had everything.
Golf, a train, bouncy castle, a little jeep, an obstacle course in the woods.
Amazing. It was a bit pricey, (thanks Mom) but the kids LOVED it.
Just see for yourself...
This was a jam packed time so I will write about our
time on the water and at the beach next time.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Alice Lake

Last summer on our way home from Whistler, we decided to stop for lunch at Alice Lake Provincial Park. It was a hot sunny day so we had a picnic and played on the beach, then resolved to come back to stay. This year we made reservations to camp and talked Nana and Grandad (and their motor home) into coming and bringing cousin Abby.

the perfect campsite
enjoying the lake
thanks for the treats Auntie Lindsay!
I love jiffy pop. Doesn't it seem like magic?
roasting marshmallows over (unfinished) old IKEA furniture

I must say this was the most relaxing vacation I have had since we went to family camp 3 years ago. Maybe it was the convenience of having the motor home and all the cooking stuff right there. Maybe it was how organized Nana and Grandad were. Maybe it was the campsite that backed on to a bit of forest where the kids could play and we could watch them. Maybe it was the 1 to 1 ratio of kids to adults. Maybe it was the distraction of having a cousin in the mix. Whatever it was that did it, it sure worked because it was a lovely trip.