Wednesday, June 30, 2010


My little kindergarten man has officially gone into grade one. In his opinion as soon as school finished he started grade one. Yes, he knows there is no school for the summer but he insists "Now I am in grade one".

Before the end of school he got a recognition award at a special assembly. I feel compelled to tell you that throughout the year every kid gets an award and it was just his turn. But please let him figure that out in his own time. The neat thing is that the teachers give each kid a reward for something specific that they do well. I like that. They say sincere praise is better received because it is indeed sincere.
So Ry-guy got his award for "his quick and observant mind". Very fitting. Here he is proud as punch with the sweetest little kindergarten teacher ever.
Now, on to grade one!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Summer Snacks

Nothing says summer like freezies in the backyard. I bought the "real juice" ones. So it counts as health food. Right?

Monday, June 28, 2010


We had our preschool end of the year party at the Zoo last weekend.
The oldest monkey was with his Uncle, the Daddy was at work, so it was just the 3 of us. But boy was it fun. We hung out with our buddies almost the whole time.
K was convinced that King Julian the Lemur from the Penguins of Madagascar (the TV show) was there.
see the ringed tail?
They actually had some Madagascar pictures up near the washrooms so he felt vindicated in his assumption!
We quite enjoyed the train ride. K insisted L sit in the middle and he held on to her leg to make sure she was safe. Too cute.They had a bunch of extras just for our group: face painting, bouncy castle, concert.
face painting with Mrs. Rose

check out her pose
It was great fun, but we were tired when it was over.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Cuppa Joe

This kid would drink coffee if we let him. This is just water in a kid sized starbucks cup as he gets his morning dose of

Saturday, June 26, 2010

More of Father's Day

Here is a bit of what we did on the actual day of Father's Day. * A by-product of shift work is that holidays/birthdays/weekends become arbitrary and are celebrated whenever they fit in the schedule. We have been known to celebrate Christmas morning on the 26th. So Father's Day for us was Saturday, a bit on Sunday, and a bit on Tuesday.*

This was a post-church visit to my Dad's.
It was nice and relaxing as the kiddies played in the big common room.
My Dad did notice little L once and smile and laugh at her little self. It was heart warming.
Grammie brought colouring and we found balloons to chase.
My only regret was not having a card for Skipper. What was I thinking? I will try to be more on the ball next year!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Lego Ahoy!

Back to my catching up... a little while ago Daddy took the boys to the Surrey Museum to see the LEGO Pirates exhibit there. It was darn cheap and pretty cool! They had fun.

Miss L and I went shopping and Papa-visiting instead and had fun too!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Batman and Robin

Is your day kinda slow and boring?
I haven't had a day like that in 6 years....

LOL? I know I am.

Random Cuteness

A week ago we had some friends over for lunch. The kids wrapped up their play time with mini ice cream cones. Yum!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Process

Remember a while back (check here) when our backyard went from this
to this??

Well, as one of my favorite verses says "With no oxen the stall is clean, but with oxen there is much increase." (Prov 14:4) That is - sometimes you need to make a little mess to get things done. This job was no exception. Here was what was going on in the background as A slaved away at the impossibly intricate play house.

And this pretty little pink purse...
got filled up with this:
Never a dull moment.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sports Day

Ry's school had Sports Day not too long ago and since A was off work that day I got to go and watch and enjoy the whole thing. It was cloudy, but dry, so all the action was outside. Somehow when I was a kid I remember Sports Day being a bigger deal, but maybe it was just because I was little. He had a blast, ate pizza and candy, got his face painted and played his heart out. It was cute and he loved it. What more cam you ask for.

L having a chat with JD right before we left.
That's Ry's teacher in the blue jacket.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Hiking in the Sun

Sun has been a rare commodity around here this spring. A few weeks ago on a sunny Saturday when we were all home we decided to go for a hike near our old house. We went there a lot when we lived in the town house because it was a 5 minute drive.

The views are great although you will have to trust me as we only took pics of us this time around. Oops.

Miss L had a ride in the back pack, and we went clockwise around the marsh. That made it much easier as it was mostly downhill on the second half!
Can you tell I am trying to catchup on all the things that happened with us in May? Well I am. So this is slightly out of order but you forgive me, right?