Monday, March 22, 2010

Enjoying Spring

The first official day of spring A took the boys out in the kayak. Since we have had more than one kid the poor kayak has felt a bit neglected, sad and lonely. The boys are getting to the age where they can really enjoy being on the water, and with Buntzen Lake so close by it is a great way to spend an afternoon. Welcome back to the family, kayak.

Always with the bare feet

helping out
R riding in the hatch
K helping daddy paddle (and coincidentally safe in A's arms)
Scenery from R's perspective
that is what I call a view


  1. oooh jealous! I have wanted to buy a kayak for years now! It keeps getting pushed back by other things we need. Let me know if you ever want to have a girls' kayak trip!

  2. Sounds great!!!! When are you free? Ok I actually desperately need a bit of practice before I really go far, but I would love to paddle around a bit one day!

  3. Beautiful shots. Your children are so amazing :-) enjoy..
