Monday, June 11, 2012

Tintin party for R

 I can hardly believe this little man is 8!  We always do theme birthdays at home but this year I thought he might be too big for that idea.  He did talk about going bowling for his party but in the end, he decided on Tintin for a theme.  A few more people know of Tintin since the movie came out but we have some old comics that his dad, uncles and grandad read.  Since an 8 year old boy likes adventure, physical comedy( falling down stairs and the like), and comics in general this Tintin stuff is perfect for him.  As with every party at our house, the kids really wanted to dress up, and I spent the last few weeks reading everything I could about Tintin.  Here R is above in his blue shirt, spiky hair and little snowy dog.

L was the Milanese Nightingale, one of the only female characters, an opera singer.
 K was a good fit for the lively Captain Haddock.  'Blistering barnacles!'
The grown ups had to fill in for professor Calculus 
and the bumbling detectives Thompson and Thomson.
 3D cube crafts
Really you can find anything on the internet that you want.  
Too bad these were too complex for little boy hands so we just made a few for decoration.
 Three unicorns sailing in the noon day sun will speak...
our three white spot pirate ships had scrolls hidden inside just like in the movie.

As always, the coolest cake made to order by Uncle G!
 Our vintage comic book collection as decorations.
 Goodie bags made of newspaper (Tintin is a newspaper reporter after all) and decorated
 with little circle characters I created from an idea I saw on pinterest.

We started with a craft.  Did you know shrinky dink was back?
 The main part of the party was a series of challenges starting
 with clues in envelopes (amazing race style).
 disguise time
 nerf guns and 'crab tins'
 marshmallow toothpick inventions

It all ended with finding the treasure- a pinata!

The challenges were crazy and fun and the whole day went pretty well!


  1. This looks great and fun! What kind of challenges did you do? We're doing a 6 year old Tin Tin party this weekend.

  2. I love seeing all the Tintin parties around right now. We had one for our 8 year old back in March too. Lots of fun.
