Saturday, June 12, 2010

Lessons Learned

Lessons learned on our trip to the Great Wolf Lodge

The digital camera works best if you bring the battery with you.
Next time check the charger before leaving on the trip.

A disposable waterproof camera costs $12 at the camera store in the mall.

A disposable waterproof camera costs $22 at the resort gift shop.
Good call remembering at the mall.

TV in the car = brilliant.

Watching the LEGO movie in the car on the way to the LEGO store is a little boy's dream come true.

Watching Grandad's GPS instruct us to keep driving in a straight line is fun for all ages of boys.

We are in no immediate need of a GPS.
"Recalculating, recalculating."

The kiddie pool is strategically the temperature of pee.

The wave pool is tricky to navigate with a 48 pound weight around your neck.
I have a skinned knee and elbow to prove it.

Swimming is fun for mommies too.

My almost 6 year old can go to the waterpark for an indefinite amount of time.

My 4 year old is done at the waterpark after about 2.5 hours.

My 2 year old is just as happy staying with Grammie instead of going on a road trip.
Especially if she is on antibiotics for bronchitis.

I had fun.
This is a picture of us moments before we got drenched.

The terrible pictures are courtesy of the aforementioned disposable waterproof camera.
Should have used my 1 megapixel cell phone camera. Believe it or not these are the good pictures and they actually look better here than they really are. Yuck.

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