Thursday, April 29, 2010

She's a Lady

She loves tea parties and purses but here is another aspect of her personality...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Birthday Girly

This one turned 2 last week! Holy cuteness. Check out those curls.

We had a pinata. It was R's idea.

Look at how nice they are picking up the candy to share.
L's specialty is cleaning up. She loves to put lego back in the container.

Check out her new dolly and her princess shoes.

Her lovely butterfly cake by Auntie N and Uncle G as always.
I had a few pieces. How do they make it so yummy but not too sweet?
I have no idea but it was yummy.

Enjoying the cake.
I forgot to mention it was a tea party (with tea cups and scones and everything).
This was the pin the handle on the tea cup.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I almost forgot...

Princess L turned 2 this weekend. It has been busy. She actually started acting like a two year old not that long ago, yikes. She chats up a storm ("Bye Mummy. Have fun!"), repeats everything she hears, and has developed a curious emotional streak (hormones already?). She is lovely and I plan to do a little Birthday post, but I haven't even downloaded those pictures. You can go to Auntie L's blog here to see her pictures of the day.

On to today's topic. Miss L has never had a haircut. She was pretty much bald for the first year so it just never came up. Then a few weeks before Easter we agreed it was finally time. So the boys went off to Nana and Grandad's and the 3 of us were off to the mall. The boys had their first haircuts at Sparky's Cuts for Kids. It is a bit too much for the boys bi-monthly haircuts but it is perfect for a first haircut treat.

She got to pick any seat she wanted and we ended up in... Lightning McQueen. Yep, she's got big brothers.
The whole process was short and sweet as a trim for a girl takes a lot less than a full haircut for a boy. She watched Diego on TV and sat perfectly without the tasty bribes required by the boys in order to stay still.
Here are those curly locks before the trim....
And after...

The side view before...

And after.

We can still make piggy tails, and it goes cute and curly after the bath with just a barrette in the bangs. What a big girl.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Splish Splash

Days spent in the backyard mean nightly baths before bed to scrub off the dirt. Here, three in the tub with some goggles make for a pretty funny photo shoot.


Baby L
Rub a dub dub

Monday, April 12, 2010

A Walk in the Park

Sunshine and Nana's day off. Perfect conditions for a lovely walk by the river.

Ending up at the playground.

Having fun.

Mastering the monkey bars.
Swinging together.

Enjoying the sun.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Notice anything different about me?

Wooden church pew connects with 4 year old forehead.

It's actually bigger than it looks in these pictures believe it or not...

Glad it's not affecting his spunky self.
Reminds me of when he did this to his lip.


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Best

Who can resist an Easter Bonnet?
For her...

Or him...